20 research outputs found

    Indexing the etymological lexicographic systems

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    Indexing the etymological lexicographic systems The main problems and directions for the development of the etymological lexicographic systems in the digital environment are studied. The formal conceptual model of the lexicographic system for fundamental academic Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (EDUL) is developed. The lexicographic structure of the EDUL individual elements are developed and described. The EDUL metalanguage was studied and described. The formal model and technology of the EDUL parsing are worked out. That made it possible to convert automatically the EDUL text into the lexicographic database, which corresponds to the conceptual model of the lexicographic system. The conceptual foundations of instrumental tool to form the etymological dictionaries are developed to create the Virtual Lexicographic Laboratory «Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language», which was implemented with a modern approach to the real lexicographic array of the EDUL. That allowed to form the database of the EDUL multilingual index (about 250 languages) in the automatic mode. This index is a basis of the seventh (final) volume of the EDUL. The possibility of applying the developed models to other etymological dictionaries are studied. The conceptual foundations for integration of the etymological lexicographic systems are discussed

    On the Phenomenological Approach to Grammar

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    On the Phenomenological Approach to GrammarPhenomenological foundations for grammar description of the natural language are under considerations. The picture of language world based on the factorization of communication and cognitivity is proposed. The problem of observability-unobservability in linguistics is discussed. The concept of the states of language units is formulated both with its interpretation in the formal definition of the noun's case. System analysis of the complexity in cognitive processes is considered

    On the Phenomenological Approach to Grammar

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    On the Phenomenological Approach to Grammar Phenomenological foundations for grammar description of the natural language are under considerations. The picture of language world based on the factorization of communication and cognitivity is proposed. The problem of observability-unobservability in linguistics is discussed. The concept of the states of language units is formulated both with its interpretation in the formal definition of the noun's case. System analysis of the complexity in cognitive processes is considered

    Digital Lexicographic Systems and Traditional Paper Dictionaries (From Traditional Paper Dictionaries to Digital Lexicographic Systems)

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    Digital Lexicographic Systems and Traditional Paper Dictionaries (From Traditional Paper Dictionaries to Digital Lexicographic Systems)Main problems of modern lexicography are under analysis. The theory of lexicographical systems is presented as well as its applications for the description of the structure of lexicographical systems for new digital Ukrainian Explanatory Dictionary and Etymological Dictionary of Ukrainian Language. The concept of virtual lexicographical laboratories is presented. The implementation of two virtual lexicographical laboratories is given (the first for Ukrainian Explanatory Dictionary and next for Etymological Dictionary of Ukrainian Language)

    Indexing the etymological lexicographic systems

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    Indexing the etymological lexicographic systemsThe main problems and directions for the development of the etymological lexicographic systems in the digital environment are studied. The formal conceptual model of the lexicographic system for fundamental academic Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language (EDUL) is developed. The lexicographic structure of the EDUL individual elements are developed and described. The EDUL metalanguage was studied and described. The formal model and technology of the EDUL parsing are worked out. That made it possible to convert automatically the EDUL text into the lexicographic database, which corresponds to the conceptual model of the lexicographic system. The conceptual foundations of instrumental tool to form the etymological dictionaries are developed to create the Virtual Lexicographic Laboratory «Etymological Dictionary of the Ukrainian Language», which was implemented with a modern approach to the real lexicographic array of the EDUL. That allowed to form the database of the EDUL multilingual index (about 250 languages) in the automatic mode. This index is a basis of the seventh (final) volume of the EDUL. The possibility of applying the developed models to other etymological dictionaries are studied. The conceptual foundations for integration of the etymological lexicographic systems are discussed

    Ontologized Lexicographical Systems in Modern Terminography

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    Ontologized Lexicographical Systems in Modern TerminographyThe principles of the construction and use of the Virtual Terminographical Laboratory "Welding" are described. VTL "Welding" provides support for the compiling of electronic terminological multimedia dictionaries in the field of welding and allied processes. Zontologizowane systemy leksykograficzne we współczesnej terminografiiW artykule opisane są zasady konstruowania i zastosowania Wirtualnego Laboratorium Terminograficznego w dziedzinie "Spawalnictwa". Wirtualne Laboratorium Terminograficzne zapewnia wsparcie w zestawieniu elektronicznych, multimedialnych słowników terminograficznych w dziedzinie spawalnictwa i  powiązanych procesów

    Semantic Interpretation of Phraseological Units in Ukrainian-Polish Electronic Phraseological Dictionary

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    Semantic Interpretation of Phraseological Units in Ukrainian-Polish Electronic Phraseological DictionaryWhen compiling bi- and multilingual phraseological lexicons it is necessary to address such theoretical issues as the formulation linguistically grounded principles of selection of phraseological units and their translation, semantic interpretation based on differentiation of pictures of the world of the linguistic systems, comprehensive combination of elements of the structure and presentation of various linguistic ambiguities, rational form of dictionary entries and building of user-friendly interface in electronic dictionary systems, etc. The article addresses the principles of Ukrainian-Polish electronic phraseological dictionary, which is one of the first attempts of complex and systematic presentation of Ukrainian and Polish phraseology. The main attention is paid to the lexicographic representation of phraseological units, their semantic characterization and selection problem idiomatic equivalents

    Main results of MONDILEX project

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    Main results of MONDILEX projectThe paper presents the results and recommendations of MONDILEX, a 7FP project that covered six Slavic languages: Bulgarian, Polish, Russian, Slovak, Slovene, and Ukrainian. The paper summarizes the research undertaken on standardisation and integration of Slavic language resources and on the establishment of a virtual organisation supporting research infrastructure for Slavic lexicography. The results should be useful for an implementation of a research infrastructure in the coming years

    System semantics of explanatory dictionaries

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    System semantics of explanatory dictionariesSome semantic properties of the language to be followed from the structure of lexicographical systems of big explanatory dictionaries are considered. The hyperchains and hypercycles are determined as the definite kind of automorphisms of the lexicographical system of explanatory dictionary. Some semantic consequencies following from the principles of lexicographic closure and lexicographic completeness are investigated using the hyperchains and hypercycles formalism. The connection between the hypercyle properties of the lexicographical system semantics and Goedel’s incompleteness theorem is discussed

    On the issue of systemic conceptography of the Holy Bible

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    On the issue of systemic conceptography of the Holy BibleThe systemic cognitive and linguistic principles of the conceptographic text interpretation are stated. The concept of nonrandom text is introduced. The operational principles of the non-random text conceptography are analyzed and systematized. The theoretical approaches are illustrated on the New Testament text English